To Rome With Love -- Movie Review
To Rome With Love
by Woody Allen
Woody Allen has always been hit and miss for me. Sometimes I like him, sometimes I
don't. I've seen many of his films and
he keeps drawing me back despite my mixed feelings. This one is a miss, I'm afraid I have to
say. It is a travel brochure for the
city of Rome. Not a lot of
substance. Several parallel narratives are
going on at the same time. Variants on
similar themes. Many traditional Woody
Allen themes of upper middle class malaise reappear. This time he particularly takes aim at the
American cult of celebrity and the Italian obsession with opera
celebrities. The way he goes about it
doesn't work for me, although the image of the opera star performing on stage in
the shower is memorable. Some situations
are amusing, here and there is a good line.
Other people in the theater were laughing and seemed to be enjoying
it. Was I the only one bored to
death? What's the matter with people? There was one line that stayed with me. "Go ahead. Walk into the propeller." I can relate to that. The acting is good, although there isn't
anything really challenging in this. The
part that worked was Penelope Cruz and the sequences of the whore drawn into
the role of the ersatz wife, shocking the new groom's family. At the party all the men knew her. Penelope Cruz is always a hit, even in a bad
movie. The rest was pretty lame. But I'll probably go see the next thing he
does. He doesn't appear to be
contemplating retirement.